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20.000 leguas baixo dos mares : segundo a novela Jules Verne / Jules Verne, Sandrine Gambart

by Verne, Jules; Gambart, Sandrine; Gambart, Sandrine; Hanna, Virginie; Verne, Jules. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers; Gambart, Sandrine.
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Grandes Clásicos Adaptados.Publisher: A Coruña :Baía ,2010 Edition: 1ª.Description: 34 :il.col. ;30cm.ISBN: 9788492630776.Subject(s): Verne, Jules -- Libros infantiles | Aventuras | Mar | 85. Clásicos. Adaptacións de clásicos | Personaxes fantásticos -- Libros infantiles y juveniles | Submarinos | Contos clásicos | viaxes | TesourosOnline resources: Click here to access online
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Infantil 6 a 9 anos

3º-4º Primaria

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