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The Ghost Teacher / Julie Hart

by Hart, Julie.
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Burlington Activity Reader.Publisher: Limassol (Chipre) :Burlington Books ,2011 Edition: 1ª ed.Description: 29 p :il. cor ;20cm + exercicios.ISBN: 9789963485468.Subject(s): Lecturas adaptadas | Lecturas adaptadas básico | misterio | InglésOnline resources: Click here to access online Abstract: West Hill School is just an ordinary schook, but one day a new teacher arrives and some very strang things start to happen. The teacher comes to work in a car with no driver. He carries a newspaper dating from 1935. And he always seems to punish the same boy. What is happening? Who is the mysterious teacher? And whay is he at West Hill School?
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West Hill School is just an ordinary schook, but one day a new teacher arrives and some very strang things start to happen. The teacher comes to work in a car with no driver. He carries a newspaper dating from 1935. And he always seems to punish the same boy. What is happening? Who is the mysterious teacher? And whay is he at West Hill School?

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